Bi-colour beauties

Joopy Gems bi-colour tourmaline header

Alot of people were interested in these: calibrated bi-colour tourmaline rounds, ovals and pears. It’s taken me so long to get them listed, and I wanted to have them listed in time for my sale but I didn’t quite, so I’ve extended the sale. If you like these, you can get them on a 25% discount until Wednesday midnight 29th November. The rounds come in 4mm, 5mm, 6mm and 7mm and the pears and ovals in 3x4mm, 6x4mm and 7x5mm. They are all priced according to weight and how good the colour is. To browse the entire collection, click here. Coupon code FIREGEM25 will get you 25% off until midnight, Wednesday 29th November EST.

Super Smashing 25% Sale

Joopy Gems 25% discount sale

This is the biggest discount I’ve ever done and it’s open from now until close of play on Cyber Monday (27th Nov). It’s a straight 25% off all gemstones, including sale items (eek!) and it really is a make the most of it situation as I keep my margins quite small, so I simply can’t offer big discounts frequently. It’s a coupon code – FIREGEM25 – and you can use it more than once if you like! Click here to browse our Hong Kong shop or here to browse our USA one. It’s also on in both Etsy shops, but you don’t need the code for those as the discount is already marked up. So get shopping and get your sparkle on!